What is the AlterG?

The AlterG is a specialist piece of equipment that allows rehabilitation in a partial weight-bearing environment. It allows patients to work on gait pattern and also range of motion. It allows for neuromuscular and proprioceptive training that can improve balance, gait, stride length and confidence!

Who can benefit from using the AlterG?

The AlterG can be used for gait, strength, balance, functional and task-specific training with programmes being developed by our specialist neurological physiotherapists in order to suit your goals. It can be used for a range of different conditions including:

  • Stroke
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Functional Neurological Disorder (FND)
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
  • Polytrauma
  • Spinal Injuries

How do I book a session on the AlterG?

As with our other services you will require an initial assessment with one of our physiotherapists to determine if the AlterG would be an appropriate part of your rehabilitation. Following this appointment, they’ll design an individualised programme to aid in achieving your specific goals.

How long do the sessions last?

Once seen for an initial assessment we offer 30 minute, 45 minute and 60 minute sessions.

Clinical Research for AlterG Use

New guidelines state that in order to improve mobility after stroke, intensive walking training through use of a treadmill for 40 minutes at least 3 times a week for 10 weeks is most beneficial (The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), 2023).

A study found that use of the AlterG improved freezing of gait alongside general mobility in those diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease through twice weekly sessions which were individualised to each person and their tolerance (Baizabal-Carvallo et al., 2020).

Findings from a study investigating AlterG use as part of rehabilitation in paediatrics who have spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy indicated that reflexes, muscle stiffness and motor activity all improved through use of this equipment (Parvin et al., 2017).

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