What is a Stroke?
Within the UK, an estimated 100,000 people have a stroke each year, which equates to approximately one every 5 minutes. A stroke is a serious life-threatening event which requires immediate medical intervention and may result in long-term disability or even death. There are however, 1.3 million stroke survivors in the UK. Recovery is largely dependent on the size and type of stroke; with some people experiencing minimal symptoms and quick recovery, whilst others are left with significant long-standing disability which may mean support is required for day-to-day activities. Specialist Neuro physiotherapy as provided at Nicole Lavin Neurorehab Ltd. can greatly affect how fast we recover and to what degree we recover.

Initial symptoms may include:
– Sudden weakness and/or numbness on one side of the body, including face, arms or legs.
– Difficulty finding words or speaking in clear sentences.
– Sudden blurred vision or loss of sight in one or both eyes.
– Sudden memory loss or confusion, and dizziness or a sudden fall.
– A sudden, severe headache
What happens?
Within the UK, an estimated 100,000 people have a stroke each year, which equates to approximately one every 5 minutes. A stroke is a serious life-threatening event which requires immediate medical intervention and may result in long-term disability or even death. There are however, 1.3 million stroke survivors in the UK. Recovery is largely dependent on the size and type of stroke; with some people experiencing minimal symptoms and quick recovery, whilst others are left with significant long-standing disability which may mean support is required for day-to-day activities. Specialist Neuro physiotherapy as provided at Nicole Lavin Neurorehab Ltd. can greatly affect how fast we recover and to what degree we recover.
There are 3 main types of stroke:
- Ischaemic. A blockage restricting the blood supply to the brain
- Haemorrhagic. Bleeding in or around the brain
- TIA (Transient Ischaemic Attack). Also known as a ‘mini stroke’. Stroke symptoms resolve within 24 hours, usually caused by a temporary blockage
Unfortunately, as we age our risk of stroke naturally increases due the arteries becoming less flexible and narrower. However, this process can be sped up by modifiable lifestyle factors, such as smoking, poor diet, inactivity, and certain medical conditions.
People recover at different rates; but progress is usually most rapid in the first few weeks and months following a stroke. If possible, this is an important time to optimise rehabilitation input to achieve significant neuroplastic changes within the brain. ‘Neuroplasticity’ refers to brain’s ability to form new pathways or lines of communication around the area of damage, and this ‘re-wiring’ is most pronounced immediately after a stroke.
As time goes on, the capacity for improvement slows down. However, this is not to say progress cannot be made, months or even years after a stroke with specialist neuro physiotherapy input.
Due to the wide variety of symptoms; our physios at Nicole Lavin Neurorehab Ltd. conduct a comprehensive initial assessment to assess how your stroke impacts you and your day-to-day activities. Our physios will work with you to identify personal goals you would like to achieve and the steps necessary to smash those goals. Our aim is design and implement a treatment plan tailored to maximise your recovery and improve your quality of life.
Improving postural stability, balance work, gait re-education, and increasing sensory awareness are all key themes of our treatment plans.
Exercise prescription is a fundamental part of all treatment whether your deficit is minimal or significant. It is likely that you will be given specific challenging exercises to strengthen weak muscles and stretches to maintain joint range of movement. This often takes the form of a home exercise program for patients to perform between therapy reviews. Guidance and support are offered throughout; both to the patient, carer or supporting family member.
To achieve new pathways within the brain, REPETITION of practice is key!
Upper Limb
Recovering from stroke, there are many aspects to focus on, including walking, balance, speech and cognition. Consequently, the arm or hand sometimes don’t receive the level of therapy input required to achieve full potential.
At Nicole Lavin Neurorehab Ltd. we can offer intensive upper limb programs to improve joint range of movement, strength, fine motor skills, reduce pain and increase functional use in daily activities.
NHS and private stroke Physiotherapy
Sadly, due to limited resources, NHS Stroke therapy input following discharge home from hospital is only for a limited time. In addition, clients frequently report they are sometimes not receiving their desired frequency of therapy input with the NHS. The National Stroke Guidelines outline that people with stroke should receive at least 45 minutes of therapy everyday
Nicole Lavin Neurorehab Ltd. regularly see those who;
- Have finished their course of NHS Physiotherapy treatment
- Are currently on an NHS waiting list
- Would like to optimise their chances of a good recovery with supplementary private sessions alongside NHS therapy input. In such instances, we coordinate treatment with the NHS therapists
- Would like more intensive upper limb therapy
You can ‘self-refer’ by getting in contact directly with the clinic, you do not need to be referred by a GP/Consultant. Feel free to pop into the clinic for a chat, telephone, or email us if you would like more information and begin the road to recovery.
Useful Resources:
For more information we will be happy to talk to you.
Call us on 0113 2508833 or click button to send a message…
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