Severe complex neurological disability and palliative care.

The specialist physiotherapists at the practice have extensive experience working with people with severe, complex disability and those at a palliative care stage. Each client’s condition is regularly reviewed. Treatment plans/goals are adapted and progressed accordingly to make sure we provide the best possible bespoke physiotherapy service.

Conditions that may cause severe and complex disability:

  • severe brain injury
  • increased frailty in older people
  • late stage Motor Neurone Disease (MND)
  • late stage Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
  • end stage dementia
  • late stage brain tumours
  • and many more

At this stage, people may be dependent upon assisted transfers or hoists if they are able to move from their bed to a chair.

Our physios consider it a privilege to support the patient, their families and care teams at this important time.

How can physiotherapy help with severe complex disability?

As well as giving specific treatment to optimise independence and comfort, the experienced physiotherapists from Leeds Bradford Neurophysiotherapy can be a consistent contact for support and advice. Clients and their families tell us they have found this an immensely valuable service.

In a changing situation, physiotherapists will offer advice on what is required to provide the best possible 24-hour care for comfort and wellbeing of the patient, and the family as a whole. This involves, emotional support, signposting to other agencies as well as the timely provision of equipment, all of which can avoid emergency situations arising. Our aim is always to support the individual to maintain as much independence as possible, so life can be lived to its full potential.

Each client’s condition is regularly reviewed. Treatment plans/goals are adapted and progressed accordingly to make sure we provide the best possible bespoke physiotherapy service.

What do the treatments offered include?
  • Skilful handling to assist body alignment and movement
  • Specific soft tissue mobilisations – massage, to improve comfort, reduce stiffness and tightness (spasticity) in muscles
  • Exercises, assisted or passive (where the persons limbs are moved for them) to maintain range of movement of joints and soft tissues for comfort and for function
  • Assisted standing and walking
  • Advice on appropriate aids and equipment including chairs
  • Feeding advice
What services are included?
  • A comprehensive assessment and detailed reports and recommendations as required, including spasticity management.
  • Associate physiotherapy input where treatment with two therapists is required and where some treatment sessions do not require specialist input. This is a cost-effective way to provide the necessary level of service. The treatment plan will always be made and overseen by a specialist physiotherapist.
  • Postural management plans, these can include clear advice sheets including photographs showing good positioning for comfort and protection of body shape.
  • Addressing the moving and positioning training needs of care staff so they are able to meet the individual needs of the client skilfully. We have extensive experience working with, and training care providers to establish 24-hour management plans to meet the long-term care and rehabilitation needs of the people they support.

A number of our specialist physiotherapists have Preparing to Teach in the Life Long Learning Sector (PTTLS) training certificates. We are committed to developing the skills of support staff and fellow professionals to optimise ongoing management, rehabilitation, and carw. Click the page link below to learn more about the course and training we provide.

Promoting a Multidisciplinary approach

All Nicole Lavin Neurological Rehabilitation staff recognise the importance of a multidisciplinary approach for co-ordinated care between ourselves NHS staff and all other agencies involved. We work to support a collaborative approach to supporting the individual in the way they choose.

To discuss in more detail with a member of our team.
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