Occupational Therapy

Specialist assessment, treatment and advice focusing on developing, recovering or maintaining daily living and working skill for adults with neurological conditions.

What is Occupational Therapy?

The aim of Occupational therapy is to help people retain or improve their ability to be as independent as possible so they can participate in whatever activities are meaningful or important to them. These activities could range from everyday activities such as dressing or brushing your teeth, participating in social activities or being able to remain in or return to work.

Occupational therapists are registered health care professionals, trained in both physical and mental health. They understand the interplay between the persons experience of their health, the activities they want to be able to do and the social and physical environment in which they are living.

Occupational therapists support people to relearn or adjust skills they may have lost or are having difficulty with due to their health conditions as well as identifying and eliminating environmental barriers which might restrict or limit a person’s ability to be independent.

What will Occupational Therapist do?

Firstly, we will complete a full assessment which depending on the clients’ needs may look at physical, cognitive and perceptual issues and any environmental barriers. This initial assessment may flag the need for more specialist assessments such as:

Cognitive Function

Tiredness & Fatigue

Home & Environmental

Activities of Daily Living

Aids and Adaptations

Vocational (Work)

Seating and Postural

Once all appropriate assessments are completed, the Occupational therapist will create a rehab plan focused on supporting the client to reach their goals using a range of functional therapeutic activities. We are also able to use compensatory strategies such as the use of adaptive equipment like specialist cutlery, bathing aids or specialist seating to support clients to achieve their goals.



conditions we treat
  • Stoke
  • Acquired brain injury
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Functional Neurological Disorder
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Motor Neurone Disease
  • Severe/complex neuro disability and palliative care
  • General aging
  • Falls

Extra Services


additional services
  • Home environmental assessments
  • Equipment advice
  • Work place assessments
  • AHP Health and Work reports
  • Complex seating and equipment assessment with trusted reps

Meet Team


View Profiles

Meet the Team

Both our occupational therapists are specialists in neurological rehabilitation and complex long term condition management. They have both worked extensively in specialist NHS teams delivering rehabilitation as well as having experience working in the private sector.

Hannah Bright


Contact Us


Ground Floor, Unit 3
Rawdon Business park
Leeds, LS19 7BA


0113 250 8833